Business Continuity Plan

BCP Disclosure Statement

The firm has created a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that provides for the firm to continue client service within a reasonable amount of time, given the scope and severity of a significant business disruption (SBD).

The BCP anticipates responding to both internal and external SBDs. An internal SBD, such as the loss of our telephone system, affects only the firm. The firm will respond to internal SBDs by re-routing calls to secondary numbers, and/or relocating its primary office to a secondary location, and/or, recovering data from a back-up storage media and/or a back-up site. The firm expects to recover froman internal SBD within one hour.

An external SBD, such as a power outage or flood, affects multiple businesses and can be local, regional, national, or global. The firm’s response to an external SBD relies more heavily on other organizations, such as service providers. The firm expects to recover from an external SBD within six hours, but in some instances next-day recovery is projected.

In the event a SBD prevents customers from contacting the firm by using the firm’s primary phone number, fax number, or email address, customers may contact the firm by using the following secondary contact information:

Secondary Email:

In the event of an internal or external SBD that causes the loss of our paper and hard copy records, we will attempt to physically recover them from our back-up files. If our primary site is inoperable, we will continue operations from our backup site or an alternate location. For the loss of electronic records, we will attempt to either physically recover the storage media or electronically recover data from our back-up files records management facility, or, if our primary site is inoperable, continue operations from our back-up site or an alternate location.

While no contingency plan can eliminate all risk of service interruption ortemporarily impeded account access, the firm continually assesses and updates its BCP to mitigate all reasonable risks.

This disclosure is subject to modification.

Please contact us with any questions regarding this agreement by email